The Human Touch

February 6, 2012 § 2 Comments

I know, from reading different articles on the subject, that the human touch is a very powerful tool for healing and growth. It’s a knowledge that sparks off the “Ah! Interesting!” part of the brain and tucks it away into the folder of “General Knowledge and Trivia”, to be drawn upon at the appropriate time. It is, after all, something to be experienced rather than understood, and it is a therapeutic modality that I have always embraced, from massages to chiropractic adjustments and TCM for sprains and injuries.

My first experience of its power occurred in yesterday’s practice when Ms A placed her hands on my sacrum as I was breathing through a post-backbend Paschimottanasana. For the first time, the human touch generated an emotional (and probably energetic) release in my body, and it felt as if that was exactly what was needed. My right hip feels different now, in ways I cannot articulate. It’s not better or worse, but different. Change happened on the mat yesterday, it’ll be interesting to see what else unfolds from this.

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§ 2 Responses to The Human Touch

  • mariavlong says:

    I think energetic release describes what happens much more clearly than energetic opening. Even then it is hard to understand unless something similar has been experienced…

    • D says:

      Yes, it is hard and very very subjective. You certainly know when something has been “opened” or “released” or “shifted”, and that’s all that matters, really.

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